Friday, July 4, 2008

Dusting off the cobwebs....Dust...dust...............

Long time ever since I gave a damn to this blogspot, save the ads clicking sessions which are quite regular. This week, quite hectic or torturous as i would prefer to call saw me in the depths of despair owing to eleventeen hundred messages (give or take some hundreds) that i would have received, at late night hours, during classes, when i relieve myself ;), during lunch sessions regarding the outbreak (oh that word is used generally for contiguous diseases, isnt?) of Anna university semester results. Now that you would have realized that outbreak is a mild term to be used in this context. The unwritten agenda of Anna university probably holds the maximum number of oxymoronic-features ever written. Some being sound-disturbance of mental health, uncomprehendable-easy to understand rules, expect-unexpected results, and so on. A perspicacious and diligent worker will surely succumb to the vagaries of this cruel system of evaluation that has been striding with pride and arrogance for about half a century. Do your best and leave the rest to God has been replaced by Try doing the best and rest is for re-evaluating. Rumors fly sky high during the result announcement hours that all the sites excepting the anna university sites publish the results and that the Anna university Server's reflexes are down by 200% that one will feel that a 2Mbps connection was a mere waste of money.
Thou shall tolerate all this, but the very moment you get your results you keep staring at the page for sometime wondering if there has been an identity theft looking at the scores that have come. The first column that is generally checked by all the private engineering college students of Anna university would be Pass/Fail column and when you see a line of P's neatly arranged you exhale tonnes of air with that moves the monitor an inch behind ;). But what do these Anna univ people gain through this insane intention??? Technically speaking the people who evaluate the papers are not adequately fed, neither they are given their salaries nor the time to evaluate, thus an evaluator shall obviously resort to unscrupulous marking system. I'm strongly reminded of the documentary film for just ten minutes but it had a life time impact on me. It was about an evaluator's day at the evaluation centre. He enters the hall wherein he is given a big bunch of board exam papers which is to be evaluated and he boisterously begins it with a neat marking system-i mean a justified one, and when he takes the second paper a mosquito hovers around him and he tries to shoo it off, and guess what, the paper had not got the marks it deserved and then came the third paper by which the mosquito had created enough torment to him and was biting him and he was trying to hit it in a frenzy fashion which saw 'zeros' more prominent in the paper and ultimately the score hit a bare minimum of just twenty marks and the documentary ended. This documentary unfortunately came to my notice two days after my board exams ended, imagine my plight. I got seriously pissed off and i made it a point to pray to the God that my paper shall go to a presence-of-mosquito-non -disturbed-man. The more studying you did for the exam, the less sure you are as to which answer they want. The student never knows what is the exact answer that the evaluator expects neither the evaluator understands what the student has written, so they are always like the two goal keepers of a football trying to communicate with each other shouting from their ends. 'What we know is not what He knows' is the thing that has been sinking in me since its been two years with this lame system.

I shall leave this post at this point so as to not give a conclusion cos the problem doesn't seem to have a solution or atleast it hasn't been attempted to be solved or at least i don't wanna try bursting my head attempting to search for solutions as i have enough on my plate for now...................
As for the picture above, its one of my all time favorite question papers :D ;)


I AM~~ ME said...

very funny!picturises the state clearly! just what runs in my mind..gud work!
and congrats for ur results:)

Anonymous said...

That, my friend, summarizes why Anna U sux! Last sem, as you wud probably know, i got 21 marks in a single subject after applying for photo reval.

The problem is that the evaluators are not at all properly compensated for the effort that they are expected to put in. As a result, they take out their frustrations on us poor mortals, by liberally littering our papers with a string of consecutive zeros.

It has taken me a total of 1.5 years to finally comprehend how to go about attempting these exams. I have finally realized the fact that quantity assumes more importance than quality here.

But I am willing to eat my humble pie (dej influence ;)) for the 2 years I have left in this barbaric part of the world.

Sri said...

I like ANNA UNIVERSITY.Know why??It has made this guy(prando of course)spill out some of the well crafted sentences in english that will(I am SURE) go on to make a impact in the way people read/write.

Really da, i liked some of your sentences...nice...guess you were influenced by BALAKUMAR?(TALK MEDIA)

Nice da.You have provided a sort of respite for all anna univ students by writing this blog.I expected it to get more vigorous with each passing sentence.Unfortunately you are PRANDO.

kudos da.
keep the blog clean.Nalla soap pottu appappo suddham panni vai.

all the best

nice work da

jaipilot747 said...

Everytime I read your blog I am touched by how British your style of writing is. Perspicacious, vagaries of the system etc. remind of Chesterton. Try your hand at creative writing mama ...

Otherwise makes me pity the Indian system :D ...

Good post .. keep it up ..

teddygal said...

All said and done, how much in ACA? :P